Wednesday, November 22, 2023, 17:00 - 18:30
UdK Berlin, Bundesallee 1-12, Room 203 [wheelchair accessible]
From Manila, Philippines, Anjeline de Dios (b.1982) is an artist, teacher, and writer whose chant practice builds connections between sound art, meditation, and decolonial humanities. She is currently a resident artist of the Goethe Institut Indonesien’s REFLEKT Residency hosted by SAVVY Contemporary in Berlin.
In this talk-performance-meditation Anjeline de Dios reflects on the notion of ‘listening to listening’. Through her practice of chants she explores healing as a complex sonic phenomenon; not only the act of giving attention to, and being affected by, literal sound, but also the relational-infrastructural task of building symbolic, discursive, and material frames: In a common effort to exercise solidarity across difference and conflict, she makes an appeal for approaches that integrate critical, self-reflexive thinking with a tender, experimental relatedness towards our own and each other’s affective and embodied selves, reiterating the generative potency of sound for this integrative work.
FEM*_MUSIC*_ wird gefördert durch das Berliner Programm zur Förderung der Chancengleichheit in Forschung und Lehre (BCP), der AG Frauenfördergelder der UdK Berlin und durch die Frauen und
Gleichstellungsbeauftragte der UdK Berlin.
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