Freitag, 21. April 2023, von 17:00-18:30
gather (formerly Fem*_Music*_) present: Guest Lecture Dr. Gina Emerson & Book Launch “Audience Experience and Contemporary Classical Music”
UdK Berlin, Bundesallee 1-12, Kleiner Vortragssaal
What does newly composed music sound like from the audience’s perspective? What do people value about their interactions with live contemporary classical music? And what can alternative formats or forms of audience participation bring to these experiences?
This talk will introduce a new publication that explores these and similar questions - the first large-scale audience experience study on contemporary classical music. Drawing on data collected across ten European countries, the book makes contributions to future discussions on audience diversity and accessibility. Contemporary classical music is analysed as a ‘high art subculture’ rife with contradictions and conflicts around its cultural value. At the event, Gina Emerson will present insights and ideas from the publication and come into conversation with members of the collective gather (formerly FEM*_MUSIC*_), which is based at the music faculty of the UdK Berlin.
Book on Routledge's website
Dr. Gina Emerson is a musicologist, project manager and curator. Her research explores and connects the topics of audience experience, sustainability, cultural participation and the use of new technologies in art music contexts. She is currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the IASS Potsdam in the Art-Science Cooperations for Sustainability group. Since 2020, she has been a board member in the BGNM (Berlin Society for New Music) collective. Her first monograph, Audience Experience and Contemporary Classical Music, will be published by Routledge in March 2023.
Dr. Gina Emerson ist Musikwissenschaftlerin, Projektmanagerin und Kuratorin. Ihre Forschung untersucht und verbindet diverse Themen im Bereich der Kunstmusik, u. A. Publikumserfahrungen mit neuerer Musik, Nachhaltigkeit, kulturelle Teilhabe und die Rezeption und Verwendung neuer Musiktechnologien. Sie ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der Forschungsgruppe „Kunst und Wissenschaft für nachhaltige Entwicklung" am IASS Potsdam. Seit 2020 ist sie Mitglied des Vorstandteams der BGNM e.V.
FEM*_MUSIC*_ wird gefördert durch das Berliner Programm zur Förderung der Chancengleichheit in Forschung und Lehre (BCP), der AG Frauenfördergelder der UdK Berlin und durch die Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte der UdK Berlin
Foto: Daniel Nartschick